Saturday, February 2, 2013

Garden layout

This year we are trying to grow most, if you not all the vegetables for the winter. So on the amount of land we have (like 0.06 acres) we need to use every space available! The problem we have is only one side of our house gets full sun. So we have to use the sace on this side of the house as best we can to get the maximum yeild. We will be doing alot of vertical growing with things like the cantaloupe, cucumbers, ect. To leave enough space as possible for other things. We will also be using wooden crates we salvaged and filling them with dirt to make extra bedding. Those are placed on the other side of the yard near our young apple trees. We will also be trying a new technique with growing our potatoes. In an older post we tryed planting them in trash cans, which worked but not very well, so we will be planting them in laundry baskets filled with burlap and dirt. We are excited to see if this works because it will save space! Here is a picture of the layout. Sorry for the bad lighting.
Hope you all are having fun planning your gardens! I would love to hear if any of you have fun/ unique ways of planting things! Thanks for stopping by our little homestead! Katie


  1. Awesome job! We need to get planning our too!!! It is so much fun!!

  2. love THE DRAWING! great IDEA'S YOU HAVE!I hope we have great growing season this year

  3. Thanks Tessie! I am hoping for a great growing season as well!

  4. What a fun garden! If you don't mind my asking, I was wondering where to purchase apple mint and orange mint. We have been looking everywhere for apple mint and haven't found any yet. Thanks for your help! ~Jordan

  5. Hi Jordan, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

    I would recommend a farmers market. Look for a stand that sells herbs and spices. I got mine from a friend who had some growing. Hope that helps and once again and sorry for the late response.
