Friday, November 20, 2020

Our Goals for 2021

I'm sure your saying......" Uh, Katie it isn't even Thanksgiving yet and your working on next years goals?

    Haha! Yes, we are working on it! Never to early to start thinking of your goals! Plus, hey it's 2020 right! People already have their trees up, so why not! :) 

Here are some of the goals I personally have for myself and some hubby and I have together. 

    Financial goals: 

So many of you know my husband and I work the Dave Ramsey Plan. If you don't know who that is take a minute and good him and the baby steps and hop on board, you won't regret it! If you want me to do a post about our financial journey and our debt free journey let me know! We are on baby step 6 right now which is to pay off your mortgage as fast as you can and we are working on it! Any other Baby step 6 people here? Comment down below! Okay so here is what we have so far as our goals. 

     Working on continuing to knock down our mortgage as much as we can! Paying our home off as soon and as quickly as possible is a huge goal for us! 

    Bump up our emergency fund another month's worth of our living expenses.( we currently have 3/4 months of living expenses saved)

    Bump up retirement contributions more then we already are. 

    Cash flow house projects we would like to get done. We currently have a bathroom project that needs to get completed :). Also have some outside projects we would like to do. 

    Keeping our grocery budget where it is($450/month) and even challenge myself to see if I can get it lower. ( I will keep you updated on this in future posts) 

    Continue to add to our replacement car fund.  Both our cars are doing great and don't see the need to replace them for a few years, but we like to start saving now so we have a good chunk saved to pay cash for the next one. Have you ever paid cash for a vehicle before? Let me tell you it is the best feeling in the world to write a check, leave with the vehicle and know we don't have any payments to worry about. It is just such a cool feeling! I challenge you all to do this! So worth it! 

  Personal goals:

    I would like to read more books. I love financial/ business books. :)  So setting a goal of reading or listening to at least one book a month. 

    Continuing having my morning time with the Lord. Diving deeper into his word through reading the bible, Bible studies, and listening to speakers. Continue to keep a prayer journal. ( I have really loved doing this and highly recommend it! 


   I would love to better my career. I intend to do this by reading / watching videos and listening to podcasts on business and careers and just evaluating how I can make myself better at my job and maybe ways to advance  in my career. 

    Keep reaching my goal of 10,000+ steps a day. 

    Continue to volunteer at least once a month. 

    Make time to hang out and strengthen/ grow my friendships! ( really looking forward to this one! :)) 

    Continue to homeschool our boys ( I will have a High Schooler (9th) next year! How is this possible?! and a Middle Schooler(6th)!?) I absolutely love doing this. Yes, there are hard days, but the good days so out way the bad. So excited what the new year brings with teaching and learning, but God is at the wheel and at the center of it all so I know it will be great! I will be doing more posts on homeschooling for us as well. Let me know if you would be interested in this as well. 

    Start back to blogging on a regular basis. I am going to really work on this in the coming year. I love to have a place to write all my thoughts and the events that happen in our life. It is a fun way for me to document our life together as a family. 

That is it for now. I know these aren't massive goals, but we/I wanted to make them manageable and achievable as well. It is not fun to make goals that you will never reach.  So let me know do you have any fun goals for next year? Have you started working on them yet? 

Thank you for taking the time to join me on this post and don't forget to share with your friends! 




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