Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Hello everyone! I know it has been awhile, so I thought I would hop on here and update everyone on what has been going on in our lives. In June we sold our little urban homestead and bought our new one. We are finally moving in on July 28th! We are beyond excited! We have been researching, drawing out plans, making future plans on what we would like to do on our homestead.

Some of the plans we have when we move in are:

Turn one of the sheds into a chicken coop and run

Plant and fence in pastures (for goats/chickens)

Till up garden and plant cover radish and rye grass

Get chicks to start our laying flock


Start a meat bird flock.

Get goats to raise and sell.

Plant a garden  and some fruit trees.

For now I think that will keep us busy enough. I will try to be on here more with pictures and updates once we are moved in and settle.

We would like to thank you again for all of your prayers on this journey!

~ Katie