Monday, November 17, 2014

The time we have...

        I read an article/ post  a friend posted on Facebook  yesterday and it really hit me. It is called  How 936 Pennies Will Forever Change a Parent. It really got me thinking about how we don't have a lot of time with our kids as they are small. The time goes so fast and we have to make sure we use all that time to love them, teach them, play with them. It makes you think of how you have been spending your time or those days you feel like running outside into a pasture and yelling at the top of your lung, because they ask you the question "why" after everything you tell them.

       I need to still cherish those moment no matter how much right now they may not be a moment I want too. Before we know it, they will be going off to college and I don't want to have the thoughts did I spend enough time with them, did I teach them everything I needed too, did I pray for them enough.

      I'm definitely going to challenge myself to do more of this and to remember to love every moment I have with my boys, because before you know it they will be men and the pennies in the jar with be gone. I hope to challenge you to do the same with your loving children!

Here is the post if you would like to read it :

What are your thoughts? As moms of little ones can you relate to this? Moms of older kids/ adults I would love to hear your thoughts on this too.



  1. Hi Katie, I thought I'd come by and visit to answer your question about our pasture. This is a very good post. My kids are grown now and out on their own. There's a lot of truth in what they say about enjoying grandchildren because they go home at the end of the day. LOL

    I was a SAHM and there were days when I felt just as you say. We homeschooled so there was never a chance for a break. I had to keep reminding myself that the time would pass all too quickly (though it felt like forever in the middle of it). That helped because I knew I didn't want to look back someday and regret how I used the time. The future hopefully holds plenty of time for our own interests and projects. And if it doesn't, how would one wish to spend their time and energy, on themselves or their children?

    The first "payoffs" started to happen when they were middle schoolers and strangers would compliment them or tell me how well behaved or responsible they were. "Well behaved" is a pretty relative concept, but I knew that they wouldn't have been seen that way if I hadn't invested so much time in them.

    The truth is that it did pass all too quickly and now, there is tremendous personal comfort in the time I spent with them and for them. Because we had developed good relationships, they came to us with personal problems they had in college. I have NEVER regretted what those early years "cost" me in terms of time, energy, and wits.

    OK, the pasture. I planted a deer forage mix from Tractor Supply and orchard grass seed ordered through our closest feed store. The mix contained mostly annuals: wheat, oats, brassicas, clover, rape, and annual rye. The orchard grass is a perennial so I hope it will last several years. I usually plant annual rye in winter too, but the deer mix already contained some. Those are all cool weather forage plants, but in the spring I'll come back and hand seed a warm weather mix in the bare spots. Hope that helps!

  2. Thank you so much Leigh! Thank you for your comment on the post, I know I will look back and be glad I did invest so much time in them and us as a family.
    Thank you also for the pasture answer! We are looking to bulk up our pastures, which are just plain Kentucky blue grass. So we will definitely look into planting this stuff next year and some other in spring as well! Thank you so much and love your blog!

