I have to say that this winter has been a harsh one, with the blizzard and pretty consistent cold days! This week is suppose to be temperatures up in the 60s and even hit the low 70s! Then back to cold. I am starting to think spring is never going to come, but that could also be the gardener inside me screaming to get out.
I have seedlings in my house sprouting ( yes it is early to start some but when your little boy asks to plant something and I have the longing for the smell of dirt, we plant!) and the sight of the green shoots emerging gets me so excited! These are the days every gardener is longing for. The days when you can finally dig in your garden, smell the fresh dirt and feel it in your hands. The day that you can put that seed in the ground and care for it, to then be able to pick fresh produce for your family to eat and preserve. The days when you smell the first cutting of hay from the farm down the road from you, when the goats are running and hopping around in the warm spring breeze.
The days of chirping coming from the chick brooder. Little fluffs of color that will in the coming months, roam around eating bugs, grasses, etc. and producing amazing eggs to feed my family and others.
The days when you sit and listen. Listen to all of God's creation. The birds that have flown back from their long trips and finding a place to put their homes. The smell of the flowers just starting to bloom and the tree leaves beginning to pop.
The days I think of my grandfather and what he would think of our homestead. I would have loved to see him with our animals. To sit with me (if we get a dairy cow) with our cow and show me how his dad taught him. How he would show me how his mom used to grow the garden and techniques that worked the best. Even though he can't be down here. I know he I smiling down at us.
The days where my dreams flow. Dreams of other animals. Dreams of other projects.
But mostly these days...... I just look around and feel so amazingly blessed.
~ Katie